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Watch God is American (2007) Online

  • 7/10
  • RUNTIME: 0h 52m

Since the End of World War II, the People of Tanna, a remote island in the south Pacific in the archipelago of Vanuatu, idolize an American prophet. His name is John Frum. The islanders believe he is an American pilot that returned to the United States after the war, and will come back to Tanna with riches from the US that they call "the cargo". They pray to an American flag, awaiting his return. One man, Isaac the Last One, chief of the "Cargo Cult", claims he is Frum's Son. He has formed an army of GI's to celebrate the return of the prophet John Frum. Read More

Watch God is American online. Featuring , God is American is classified as Documentary genre movie with an average rating across the web of 7. It is available for streaming online in the USA The movie was released on 2007. God is American was directed by . Read Less