Watch AYAKA Online
- Subtitles: 日本語
The story follows Yukito Yanagi, an orphan who one day encounters an eccentric disciple of his father's. The strange man takes him to his birthplace on Ayakajima, made up of seven islands where mysterious beings called "Mitama" and dragons are rumored to reside. There, Yukito meets his father's two other disciples, who protect the harmony of Ayakajima… which soon threatens to collapse. Read More
Watch AYAKA online. Featuring Yuto Uemura and Takuma Terashima, AYAKA has 1 seasons and 12 episodes in total. It is available for streaming online in the USA on 3 services such as Apple TV and Amazon Video. It is classified as Animation and Drama genre series and the average rating across the web is 5.9. The TV series was filmed in Japan and was first aired on 2023. Read Less