Watch Clifford's Puppy Days Online
- Subtitles: English
Clifford's Puppy Days is a short-lived animated children's television series that originally aired on PBS Kids from 15 September 2003 to 13 October 2004. A spin-off of the original Clifford the Big Red Dog, it is set before the original series, and features the adventures of Clifford during his puppy days before he grew. The series was cancelled in 2004 following low ratings. Reruns aired regularly following the cancellation, though they were halted in 2006. Since then, occasional reruns continue to air. In the UK the show aired on CBeebies. Read More
Watch Clifford's Puppy Days online. Featuring Lara Jill Miller and Masiela Lusha, Clifford's Puppy Days has 2 seasons and 40 episodes in total. It is available for streaming online in the USA on 5 services such as Google Play Movies and Amazon Video. It is classified as Animation genre series and the average rating across the web is 7.2. The TV series was first aired on 2003. Read Less