Watch Holidaze: The Christmas That Almost Didn't Happen Online
Holidaze: The Christmas That Almost Didn't Happen is a stop-motion animated Christmas television special directed by David H. Brooks, that originally aired in 2006. The show's plot has Rusty Reindeer the brother of Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer joining a support group for depressed holiday icons, and he and the other characters search for the meaning of Christmas and help a young boy to get on Santa's nice list. Rusty's cohorts include Candie, the Easter Bunny; Mr. C, the grouchy cupid; Albert, the Thanksgiving Turkey; And Trick and Treat the teenage Halloween Ghosts. Read More
Watch Holidaze: The Christmas That Almost Didn't Happen online. Featuring , Holidaze: The Christmas That Almost Didn't Happen has 0 seasons and 0 episodes in total. It is available for streaming online in the USA It is classified as genre series and the average rating across the web is 3. The TV series was first aired on NaN. Read Less