Watch In Real Life Online
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In Real Life is a Canadian reality show where eighteen young contestants aged 12–14 race across North America and compete in a series of real-life tasks, aimed to "discover the skills, strength, and stamina it takes to make it in real life." The show is developed and produced by Apartment 11 Productions. The show is hosted by Canadian comedian and actress, Sabrina Jalees. The first season was originally planned to premiere on February 4, 2009 as In the Real World but was delayed one month. The first season premiered on March 4, 2009. The second season premiered on October 4, 2010. The third season of the series premiered on October 3, 2011. Read More
Watch In Real Life online. Featuring Sabrina Jalees, In Real Life has 1 seasons and 13 episodes in total. It is available for streaming online in the USA It is classified as genre series and the average rating across the web is 6. The TV series was filmed in Canada and was first aired on 2009. Read Less