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Watch Jehovah: Leaving the Watchtower Online

  • COUNTRIES: Netherlands
  • Subtitles: Nederlands

Jehovah's Witnesses believe that the end of times is near. Only through absolute dedication to the organization do they hope to survive Armageddon. They go door-to-door trying to save souls. But when things go wrong behind closed doors, those doors are shut tight. Misconduct, violence, and abuse: it must all be kept internal. And anyone who goes against the organization can lose everything. Read More

Watch Jehovah: Leaving the Watchtower online. Featuring , Jehovah: Leaving the Watchtower has 1 seasons and 3 episodes in total. It is available for streaming online in the USA It is classified as Documentary genre series and the average rating across the web is 0. The TV series was filmed in Netherlands and was first aired on 2024. Read Less