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Watch Karyuu No Utage Online

  • 8/10
  • COUNTRIES: Japan
  • Subtitles: 日本語

“Karyu no Utage” tells the story of a housewife (Kuroki) from a middle-class household who has tried to raise her son with the belief that putting in great effort will result in even greater results, but his laziness leads to conflict between them. On top of that, he meets a woman over the Internet who is a part-timer like he is, and he later declares that they're going to marry. As the mother faces a widening gap between her ideal and her reality, the story explores the same gap that exists in modern society Read More

Watch Karyuu No Utage online. Featuring Hitomi Kuroki and Yanagishita Tomo, Karyuu No Utage has 1 seasons and 8 episodes in total. It is available for streaming online in the USA It is classified as Drama genre series and the average rating across the web is 8. The TV series was filmed in Japan and was first aired on 2011. Read Less