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Watch Paw Paws Online

  • 8/10
  • Subtitles: English

A group of small bears that lived in a tribal society, the cubs spent every day defending themselves from their enemies, The Meanos, led by the evil sorcerer, Dark Paw. The antagonist bear and his henchmen were after the Paw Paws' three large wooden totems, Totem Bear, Totem Tortoise, and Totem Eagle. The totems also served as the tribe's protectors, coming to life when needed through means of Princess Paw Paw's Mystic Moonstone, which she wore around her neck, to defend the village. Read More

Watch Paw Paws online. Featuring Frank Welker and Matt Frewer, Paw Paws has 1 seasons and 21 episodes in total. It is available for streaming online in the USA It is classified as Animation and Comedy genre series and the average rating across the web is 8. The TV series was first aired on 1985. Read Less