Watch Sakura Online
Sakura is a Japanese serialized morning television drama that aired on NHK from April 1 to September 28 of 2002. The series totalled 156 episodes. It chronicles the life of Matsushita Sakura, a Sansei Japanese-American living in Hawaii. She moves to a small town in Japan to be an assistant language teacher for Japanese middle-school students. The show, lasting only 15 minutes long, is on every morning except Sunday, every week. Sakura first comes to Japan living with her grandparents; later, she moves because she has to teach English to the Japanese students. There she learns many valuable lessons and makes new friends. Read More
Watch Sakura online. Featuring Miyoko Asada and Ken Teraizumi, Sakura has 1 seasons and 156 episodes in total. It is available for streaming online in the USA It is classified as Drama genre series and the average rating across the web is 0. The TV series was first aired on 2002. Read Less