Watch Sealab 2020 Online
- Subtitles: English
Sealab 2020 is an American animated television series produced by Hanna-Barbera. The show premiered on NBC on September 9, 1972. The series aired its 13th and final episode on December 2, 1972, with three episodes unaired. As with most Hanna-Barbera series, the show is in occasional rotation on Boomerang, the TV channel that owns the Hanna-Barbera archives. Read More
Watch Sealab 2020 online. Featuring Pamelyn Ferdin and John Stephenson, Sealab 2020 has 1 seasons and 13 episodes in total. It is available for streaming online in the USA on 3 services such as Apple TV and Amazon Video. It is classified as Sci-Fi & Fantasy and Animation genre series and the average rating across the web is 7.3. The TV series was first aired on 1972. Read Less