Watch The Graham Norton Effect Online
The Graham Norton Effect is a talk show hosted by the Irish comedian Graham Norton. The show aired on Comedy Central from June 24, 2004 to September 16, 2004. The Graham Norton Effect can be considered a spin-off to two previous shows hosted by Norton, including So Graham Norton and V Graham Norton. During the last part of Graham's Channel 4 contract, Graham decided to film a new show, NY Graham Norton, in New York. The Graham Norton Effect was filmed for Comedy Central later in the year. Since this show was specifically taped for an American audience, some of the games played in the show were previously played on NY Graham Norton or V Graham Norton. Also, some of the guests, who were only on NY Graham Norton a couple of months previous, appear again on The Graham Norton Effect. Read More
Watch The Graham Norton Effect online. Featuring , The Graham Norton Effect has 0 seasons and 0 episodes in total. It is available for streaming online in the USA It is classified as genre series and the average rating across the web is 10. The TV series was first aired on NaN. Read Less