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Watch Digimon Tamers Season 1 Episode 31 Online

  • 8.569/10
  • COUNTRIES: Japan
  • Subtitles: 日本語

The group meets an Andromon who is trying to defeat an Orochimon in order to free his Gekomon slaves. Andromon after losing too much energy de-digivolves to Guardromon and Orochimon kidnaps Jeri to have her serve milkshakes to him forever. Kazu befriends Guardromon and saves him by having the Gekomon use milkshakes to heal him and the two come up with a rescue plan. The group manages to reach Orochimon without trouble, but he's too strong for Guilmon, Renamon, Leomon and Guardromon. Thanks to some encouragement from Rika, Jeri does her first ever Digi-Modify and as a result Leomon is able to destroy Orochimon. Thanks to his new friendship with Guardromon, Kazu becomes a Tamer with Guardromon as his Digimon partner, shocking everyone.