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Watch Exosquad Season 2 Episode 16 Online

  • 5.938/10
  • Subtitles: English

The ExoFleet has taken Venus, but the Neo sapien Fleet, with Phaeton in command, prepares to counterattack. Barca sabotages the Resolute II, putting them in a precarious position. With Marsala pretending to be a Neo soldier who carries information about Draconis' plot against Phaeton, Able Squad boards the Olympus Mons II and cripples it. Algernon has since patched together the Resolute II, which proceeds to finish off the Olympus Mons II. Draconis escapes, leaving behind Phaeton to be killed. When he returns to Earth with plans of ruling himself, he is met by the real Phaeton (the other was just a clone), who has him taken away, likely to be executed.