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Watch Krypto the Superdog Season 2 Episode 20 Online

  • 6.962/10
  • COUNTRIES: United States of America,Canada
  • Subtitles: English

"Robbie the Bird Wonder" returns from the South, only to get a jumpstart from Bat Hound because his superheroing hasn't been doing well. Both Robbie and Streaky notice that Krypto and Bat-Hound is missing, however, but manage to find where they are with Krypto wearing kryptonite over his neck and Bat-Hound tied to Krypto on a rocket. Streaky tries to save them, but gets caught as well. It turns out Isis and Mechanikat have teamed up, so now Robbie will have to save the day, despite having a bad time rounding up crooks.