Watch Living Sex Toy Delivery Online
- Subtitles: English,日本語
Working for a moving company, Shouji is invited to a party by a girl named Yuika. However, he is drugged, and multiple women take advantage of him, and rape him repeatedly. When he recovers his memory, he finds himself stuffed in a cardboard box on the railroad tracks, with a suicide note stuffed inside. Shocked, he frantically escapes from the cardboard box. Vowing revenge, he sets off to Yuika's residence. He pretends to be a delivery man, and enters her apartment. There, he stuffs her in a box and takes her to a hideout where she will be used as a lure to contact the other party members that violated him. Watch the depravity of Shouji's revenge as he hunts down and boxes up the women for his carnal revenge... Read More
Watch Living Sex Toy Delivery online. Featuring , Living Sex Toy Delivery has 1 seasons and 3 episodes in total. It is available for streaming online in the USA It is classified as Animation genre series and the average rating across the web is 0. The TV series was first aired on 2002. Read Less