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Watch NieR:Automata Ver1.1a Season 1 Episode 1 Online

  • 8.1/10
  • COUNTRIES: Japan
  • Subtitles: 日本語

▶▶ Report: Pod 042 5012 AD. Lifeforms otherwise known as <Aliens> begin their invasion of Earth. Since mankind escaped to the moon, the ground battle between the <androids> created by humans and the <Machine Lifeforms> created by the Aliens has continued for a long time. This craft is the accompanying support unit entitled <Pod 042>. In the 243rd Descent Operation held March 10, 11945, this unit will support Android <2B> of the <YoRHa Soldiers>. Thereafter, this unit will report regular mission status in tandem with <Pod 153>, the unit supporting YoRHa Aircraft Solider <9S> in this joint operation.