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Watch Robot Wars Season 6 Episode 22 Online

  • 6.8/10
  • Subtitles: English

This was one of the most popular competitions in Extreme 2 consisting of 5 shows. The New Blood competitions consists of robots that are new to Robot Wars. They will all fight in 3 way melees to move on to the next round, to the heat final, and eventually, the New Blood Final. Whoever wins the New Blood Final not only wins a trophey, but also doesn't have to go through qualifying for the 7th Wars the next year. Terror Turtle From: East Sussex Weight: 95 Kilos Dimensions: 0.54M X 1.60M X 0.77M Power: Electric Motor Weapons: Spinning Arm Strengths: 360 Degrees of Attack Weaknesses: IT'S A TURTLE! Team Captain: John Frizell With: Jacob Frizell Mute From: Staffordshire Weight: 96 Kilos Dimensions: 0.28M X 1.00M X 0.70M Power: Electric Motor Weapons: Front and Rear Flippers Strengths: Strong and Reliable Weaknesses: Poor Flipper Design Team Captain: Adam Emmett With: Daniel and Peter Emmett Roobarb From: Middlesex Weight: 99 Kilos Dimensions: 0.64M