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Watch Robot Wars Season 6 Episode 25 Online

  • 6.8/10
  • Subtitles: English

Cedric Slammer From: Lankashire Weight: 100 Kilos Dimensions: 0.56M X 0.85M X 0.70M Power: 2 X 1200W Electric Motors Weapons: Spinning Blade Strengths: Self Righting Mechanism Weaknesses: Weak Construction Team Captain: Jason Alty With: James Craigg and Michael Zenczak Bash Gordon From: Middlesex Weight: 97 Kilos Dimensions: 0.32M X 1.00M X 1.00M Power: 750W Electric Motor Weapons: Axe and Flipper Strengths: Powerful Weaponry Weaknesses: Untested Design Team Captain: Tony Vincent With: George Vincent and Tony Colliver Pressure From: Essex Weight: 100 Kilos Dimensions: 0.56M X 1.00M X 0.75M Power: Electric Motors Weapons: Axe, Flippers & Side Spikes Strengths: Strong Armour Weaknesses: Poor Pushing Power Team Captain: Mike Hamilton-Macy With: Adam and Charlotte Hamilton-Macy Piranha From: Dorset Weight: 95 Kilos Dimensions: 0.85M X 1.10M X 0.67M Power: 750W Electric Motors Weapons: Spiked Titanium Blade Strengths: Strengt